


Submucous fibroid are seen impacted in the uterine cavity same can be removed hysteroscopically saving you the trouble of unwanted abdominal inscion

Uterine septum is a form of uterine anomaly wherein the suppose to be single cavity of the uterus is divided into 2 halves by this wall or septum. It is one of the major reasons of recurrent pregnanacy loss . Same can be resected hysteroscopically and the defect can be corrected

Uterine cavity and tubal ostia are checked via this method

Endometrial polyps are small outpouchings of the endometrial cavity . Hysteroscopy is the gold standard treatment for this problem

T shaped uterus is a uterine anomaly causing a space constrain in the uterine cavity same can be corrected and space restored back to normal by hysteroscopy

Technique most useful in women with complaints fo abnormal uterine bleeding or in post menopausal bleeding . A targeted biopsy can be taken in one go hystreoscopically saving your time and for best possible results

Intra uterine devices like Cu T can get impacted in the uterine cavity making it impossible to remove them blindly . Via operative hysteroscopy its made hussle free

Pelvic Tuberculosis is a problem unnoticed quite often , Hystreroscopy guided biopsy is proven methodology for its confirmation

Uterine adhesions is a common phenomenon in women having underwent multiple D and C. It is also one of the most common risk factor for recurrent pregnancy loss. Same can be cleared via hysteroscopy.


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