Chapter -2 : ‘’IUI’’ but why .. ?

I’ve always been a patient listener (Ahem- never countercheck with my wife …we have different opinions) however i am most certain my patients would side by me…. Getting back on… Yes! this is all about Vishal and Amala . A really good looking , inquisitive , and wonderful couple . A little about their history . They where high school sweethearts, who worked their way in love and commitment through college and yes got married after graduation. Young , jubilant and yes academically inquisitive and intellectually stimulated they worked their way up for post graduation while in marriage , smart I must say, but again they too were no strangers to the harsh realities of family pressure of child making ….. When is it??? , are you expecting??? … the usual bla bla bla .

To be honest no matter how academically driven and yes committed to each other they were, they too were causalities of the undue pressure of the society . Well i myself feel society does go about annoying people and the lives they lead , sometimes it grows out of bounds that people do stop believing in themselves . At times society must understand that pregnancy is nothing like the hot cake oven that when the dough is inside the cake is made 100 % . It’s not always that easy . It does require its due course . Well to be honest this societal pressure is the bread and butter to all of us infertility specialists and our business . But times i do pity couple falling prey for this nonsense . On that note let me emphasis this point to all my readers . It’s your life , It’s your choices , don’t make society a part of it and never fall for it.

Back to the story…. Vishal and Amala inspite of all this pressure they were indeed ready to welcome a child .They kept trying for a year but nothing seemed to work . This is when they decided to visit me . Cutting the chase i offered them a solution—- How about IUI ??? . They were surprised at first so i did explain it to them . IUI is nothing but a variant of the natural process , it does take a little steam off the couple who tried extensively .

It was devoid of undue pressure , it had them visit us when time was right and a well prepared semen sample of the male counterpart would be introduced into the uterus by a doctor . It takes of the pain and undue pressure of keeping in contact every 2 days . Believe me i have had patients approach me tired and exhausted, lost their git and enthusiasm to copulate normally after all the stress and hues of family prodding , peer pressure and treatment schedules . Well amidst their post graduation schedule , peer and family pressure they did have quite a lot on their plate . Hence they were all in and ready to test IUI waters this time .

A couple of test and medicines later they were ready for the 1st IUI schedule . Amala was a little stressed as she had her semester exam the day of the IUI . I spoke to her and reassured her that she could attend the test and we can time IUI as per her convenience. Boy !!! was she happy and relived … thus timed as per their convenience in the evening hours and after her exam IUI was done . Amala was so relaxed and thrilled , vishal was supportive too . 2 weeks passed by Amala was positive the first time ! Yes their first one hit the jack pot. Together and 9 months later they welcomed their baby girl to this world . 3 weeks later they gave their final exam and yes cleared it too . Thus a happy ending ! .

To conclude , each couple taught me something new during their journey . Circumstances can be the villain , in this case – peer pressure , pg schedules , family pressure etc did traumatise them , throw them off the hedge . But together with love and faith they did overcome the pressure , i must say the chapter Amala and Vishal taught me was that “When life gives you lemon make lemonades !!!!!!!”

Dr Ashwin