Q) What is infertility?

Infertility is a condition wherein a couple in spite of having tried for pregnancy with unprotected intercourse for 1 year fails to achieve the result.

Q) When should a couple seek out for infertility treatment?

A couple should necessarily look out for treatment if they fail to conceive in spite of having tried for conception naturally in a period of 1 year

Q) Is infertility a women issue?

Never, Infertility can be as a result of both male and female dysfunction. It’s not solely a women issue

Q) What are the causes of infertility?

Infertility per say can be due to male causes, female causers or combined causes . Tubal factors secondary to TB / Pelvic inflammatory disease /Tubal block/Tubal motility disorders. Cervical factors like decreased mucous production . Uterine factors like uterine septum leading to abortions and losses. Endometriosis causing reduced ovarian reserve . Unexplained infertility , sexual dysfunction. Male factors : Azoospermia , Asthenospermia , Varicocele , Undesended testis , Infection like mumps in childhood leading to Orchitis . Retrograde ejaculation . Ejaculatory dysfunction.

Q) Does age affect fertility?

There is no definitive evidence to state that, yet good reproductive age group is between 25 to 35 years ,Later on the ovarian reserve can go down hence the chances of natural conception can be reduced.

Q) What are the tests to be done to diagnose infertility?

Infertility is always taken as a wholesome issue thus to evaluate for infertility both partners should undergo both physical and biochemical tests. Apart from that a detailed history holds the key . History should comprise if they were routinely trying and if were righlty in the ovulatory period. Any sexual dysfunction that made it difficult . Such history should be taken in detail. Basic biochemical test include Semen analysis for male and in ladies we primarily do a TVS ( Tran’s vaginal scan) to check the uterus and ovaries. Ovaries follicles are counted ( AFC- Antral follicle count ). AMH is a test to check for ovarian reserve , AMH is indicated in females above 30 years . Or in cases where in AFC in scan is found to be low.

Q) Does stress affect infertility?

Stress affects every walk of your life , hence not sparing infertility . A stressful couple may not be able to try for pregnancy with full heart . So it’s an unnecessary baggage–stress. Better avoid

Q) Does smoking cause infertility?

Yes, Smoking is associated with reduced sperm count in males which proves to have direct association with infertility . It also affects the females. Smoking and alcohol consumption in women can result in abbacies born with neural tube defects.

Q) What is IUI?

IUI is a basic infertility programme wherein the husband collects his sperm and it is centrifuged in lab , thereby good motile sperms can be selected and those are mixed with medium to enhance their motility and it is instilled into the wives uterus directly using a small catheter . So that sperms are deposited within the uterus giving a better chance for pregnancy

Q ) What is the success rate for IUI?

The success rate for IUI is only between 10 – 15 % . It is not a 100% successful programme

Q) What is IVF?

IVF / Invitro fertilisation is a technique wherein the sperms and ova are collected and
fused in the lab to form an embryo .This embryo is then transferred to the uterus . Here the
whole process of fertilisation is conducted in the lab .

Q) Is IVF 100 % successful procedure?

No, the success rate of IVF is 35 -40 % only .

Q) What is ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic Pregnancy is a condition wherein the fertilised egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus . It can deposit itself on the tubes ( most common location ), Ovary, peritoneum etc

Q) Does age impact Man’s fertility?

Yes , quality of sperms decreases with age .

Q) Is IVF and ICSI the same?

No both IVF and ICSI are techniques of artificial reproductive method . IVF( invitro fertilisation ) is a method wherein eggs and sperms are taken outside left in a culture medium to fuse on its own thus embryos are obtained . Whereas ICSI is a method by which sperms are injected directly into the cytoplasm of the ovum by the embryologist . It is usually done for couples with male partner having motility disorders . If n such case the sperms are left to fuse on its own the desired result of an embryo may not be achieved hence ICSI is performed

Laparoscopy FAQs

Q) What is laparoscopy?

It is a minimally invasive technique where in a total of 3 small ports are created about 5mm to 10mm size. Abdomen is distended with gas ( co2 ) thereafter a camera is introduced through the 10 mm port , uterus and organs are visualised , the required procedure carried out using the remaining working ports

Q) What is Hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic technique wherein a small scope is passed through the cervical canal and the inside of the uterine cavity is visualised.

Q) Can Fibroids be removed laparoscopically?

Yes fibroid of size up to 24 weeks can be removed laparoscopically

Q) Is Laparoscopy painful?

One of the advantages of laparoscopy is that it can be very less painful compared to the traditional open method and thus patient can requires less bed rest and early discharge .

Q) Can hysterectomy be attempted laparoscopically?

Yes, Hysterectomy can be attempted laparoscopically

Q) How long does it take to recover from laparoscopic surgery?

The patient can resume day today activities in full swing by 3 to 5 days . Each laparoscopic procedures have different time frame of recovery depending on the severity of the case . However as a whole it takes nearly 3-5 days on an average for discharge.

Q) When can a patient conceive after laparoscopic myomectomy?

Patient can start trying for conception after 3 months

Q) What is Laparoscopic PCO drilling?

It is a technique via which few excess follicles are drilled and punctured to favour better ovulatory outcomes in patients having persistent problem of anovulation despite ovulatory tablets and injections .

Q) What is the role of laparoscopy in infertility?

Laparoscopy is a therapeutic cum diagnostic test when it comes to treatment for infertility . Usually when patients do not conceive after multiple cycles of natural and IUI it is assumed that an unexplained phenomenon may be hindering their fertility process henceforth the couple is counselled for laparoscopic procedure. During this process the tube , uterus , ovaries are directly visualised . Tubal function is ascertained. If the tube happens to show some blockade same can be cured via the process of tubal cannualtion which is done hysteroscopically in the same sitting . It is often noticed that post laparoscopy conception chances are enhanced and conception rates are improved .

Q) What is uterine septum?

Uterine septum is a developmental anomaly . Here the uterus is divided into two halves by a wall otherwise called a septum . Septum is often devoid of blood supply. Hence if an implantation occurs within the septum it may undergo abortion. Thus septal resection is done for women undergoing infertility treatment. Septal resection is carried out hysteroscopically.

Q) What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition wherein the endometrial lining inside the uterine cavity is implanted in structures other than uterus for example ovary , peritoneum ,tubes etc . It results in the formation of cysts , Tubal adhesions , Frozen pelvis etc. Endometriosis can be staged and treated via laparoscopy.

Q) What is the advantage of laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy or minimally invasive surgery as the name suggests using tiny ports to perform the entire surgery thus featuring it be cosmetic friendly. Besides bleeding is less , early recovery , early discharge , less pain etc happens to be the added benefits

Q)What are fibroids/ Leiomyoma?

Uterine fibroids are benign( non malignant ) growth arising from the muscle layer of the uterus .

Q) What is TESE?

Testicular sperm extraction or TESE is a technique via which sperms are extracted out from the male partner for the process of IVF /ICSI

Q) Can dermoid cysts be removed laparoscopically?

Yes indeed dermoid cysts can be removed laparoscopically and with minimum or no spillage at all

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